New Mexico Department of Health Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Tabletop Exercise (2016)


The 2016 New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Tabletop Exercise (TTX) familiarized federal, state, and local levels of government, as well as private sector and non-governmental organization participants with current EVD response plans, policies and procedures, and provided a forum for discussing emergency preparedness planning and the capabilities and limitations of Ebola assessment hospitals to successfully manage Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) until an EVD diagnosis was either confirmed or ruled out while awaiting transfer to an Ebola treatment center.

The exercise included four modules for discussion that began with a scenario overview. The first two modules were discussed with all participants in a plenary session. The final two modules covered topics that were discussed in separate breakout groups and consisted of representatives of each assessment hospital. After each breakout session, the groups selected a spokesperson(s) who then shared key actions/best practices and issues/gaps in response efforts. Participants concluded the exercise by identifying key action items and providing input for a hotwash of the exercise.

  • “This was the most organized and clean exercise I have ever participated in by NMDOH.”
  • “The exercise was well planned – thorough – as with any novel need, there are always so many logistics to address. Thank you!