Makani Pahili Hawaii Department of Health Functional Exercise (2015)


Makani Pahili Hawaii Department of Health Department Operations Center Functional Exercise (2015) This project involved the design, development, conduct, and evaluation of a functional exercise for the Hawaii Department of Health to test its hurricane and Continuity of Operations (COOP) response plans.

This FE was designed to allow players to assess Department Operations Center (DOC) policies as they pertain to the coordination of public health tasks and activities. Specifically, the exercise allowed players to test the following Public Health Preparedness (PHEP) capabilities:

  • Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination
  • Capability 6: Information Sharing
  • Capability 7: Mass Care
  • “Exercise was well organized and ran on time. Injects seem to arrive at a good pace. Challenging but not overwhelming.”
  • “Great Subject Matter Expertise”
  • “Thank you to ReadyZone folks for helping with the exercise.”
  • “Everyone was great, especially your SimCell lead. I kept going into the SimCell to check on inject statuses, and he was on top of it. He was also very knowledgeable on ICS and preparedness.”