Hawaii Department of Health – Department of Operations Center Functional Exercise (FE) (2019)


ReadyZoneHQ (RZHQ) designed, developed, conducted, and evaluated a Department Operations Center (DOC) Functional Exercise (FE) for the Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH). The goal of the exercise was to promote disaster preparedness and ensure that HDOH had the ability to effectively and efficiently synchronize efforts with other offices/divisions in response to a Category IV hurricane in accordance with relevant plans and procedures.

The exercise assessed the following Public Health Preparedness (PHEP) Capabilities:

  • Emergency Operations Coordination,
  • Information Sharing, Community Recovery;
  • and Mass Care.

RZHQ provided a simulation cell (SIMCELL) to increase realism for participants, and stress the ability of the DOC to respond to injects received through multiple communications channels. RZHQ provided a detailed After Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) and conducted an After Action Meeting (AAM) with stakeholders to review issues identified during the exercise.

  • “Extremely well-organized exercise books, MSELs, scenario, and supporting materials.”
  • “Eye-opener.”
  • “The situation felt real – and that these things would happen.”