Hawaii Office of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan, Subrecipient Cyber Incident Response Plans, and Statewide Cyber Workforce Development Strategy and Implementation Plans (2023-2024)


ReadyZoneHQ (RZHQ) (Sub) developed a Statewide Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan(s) utilizing the guidelines outlined in the 2022 State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) Notice of Funding Opportunity and related reference materials, as well as stakeholder outreach and engagement through the Hawai’i SLCGP Subcommittee. The project team developed a statewide multi-year strategy and supporting Implementation Plan(s) – at both the subrecipient and state levels synchronized to the state Cyber Disruption Response Plan and modeled after the Office of Enterprise Technology Services Cyber Incident Response Plan.