Hawaii Office of Homeland Security – Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Strategy Implementation Plan (2023-2024)


ReadyZoneHQ (RZHQ) supported the Hawaii Office of Homeland Security to develop the Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Strategy Implementation Plan (CISRP). Utilizing the Department of Homeland Security’s Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework (IRPF), the CISRP, related reference materials, and informed by relevant ongoing stakeholder engagement activities, RZHQ developed an implementation plan for establishing a critical infrastructure data management system enabled by Geospatial Information Systems.

The CISRP Implementation Plan articulates the conduct of a comprehensive inventory and baseline interdependency assessment of the state’s critical infrastructure and their dependencies/interdependencies to inform the development of threat mitigation activities, incident response capabilities and capacity, and long-term resiliency investment planning. The plan contains current critical infrastructure inventories, related data, and system(s) and provides direction for its execution. The ultimate purpose of this project was to collect and document data and information that portrays the critical infrastructure ecosystem in Hawai’i to better characterize vulnerability and risk and inform resource prioritization of resilience activities.