Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HIEMA) Catastrophic Hurricane Plan/FEMA Region IX Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Annex (2015)


RZHQ supported HI-EMA and led the final revision of the statewide 2015 Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Plan/FEMA Region IX Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Annex.

The 2015 Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Plan/FEMA Region IX Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Annex is an executable, operational response Plan/Annex that addresses emergency preparation and the magnitude of physical effects and operational impacts from a Category 4 hurricane, or that of lesser severity, making an impact anywhere in Hawaii. The Plan/Annex outlines scalable and coordinated strategies to execute a joint state and federal response to catastrophic damage impacting the state.

  • Received and adjudicated thousands of comments and completed over 2,400 edits in less than three weeks
  • Completely reorganized the plan following FEMA planning guidelines

The plan now:

  • Identifies and defines Objectives, End States, and Triggers by Phase
  • Describes the response organization structure
  • Identifies and assigns tasks to lead organizations and supporting organizations to achieve objectives
  • Identifies resources and required coordination points to accomplish tasks
  • Anticipates potential impediments, known gaps, and issues
  • Provides a common blueprint for all incident management and incident support activities

“ReadyZoneHQ provided outstanding support to completing the Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Plan, including making many suggestions for improvement, completing tech editing, and incorporating thousands of comments and changes into the final plan, all under a very short six-week time frame. ReadyZoneHQ provided high-quality support throughout all of their projects and I highly recommend them.” Former administrator HI-EMA