The purpose of the 2015 Senior Leader Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Plan/Annex Tabletop Exercise was to validate the 2015 Hawaii Catastrophic Hurricane Scenario Plan/Annex. Participants included senior leader representatives from key organizations at the federal, state, and local levels of government, as well as non-governmental organizations.
The exercise successfully focused on the ability to prepare for a disaster and Operational Coordination and Situation Assessment capabilities.
- “Great job fitting a lot of material into a very short period of time.”
- “Great facilitation ‐ kept everyone on time and ensured wide participation.”
- “Good guidance on what things need to be planned for 5 days, 3 days, and 2 days pre‐ and post impact.”
- “Very helpful to understand whole of government approach for state of Hawaii.”
- “Content presented was extremely organized and informative.”